GA-ASI Adds NIDV and NATO DIANA to Blue Magic Netherlands Agenda

– General Atomics Aeronautical Systems, Inc.  has added Raymond Knops, Chairman of the Dutch Industry Foundation for Defence and Security (NIDV), and Thomas McSorley, General Counsel for NATO DIANA (Defence Innovation Accelerator for the North Atlantic), to a growing list of speakers and panelists on the agenda for the first-ever Blue Magic Netherlands (BMN) event […]

German Railways to Test Long-Range Drones to Assess Storm Damage

The state-owned Deutsche Bahn plans to use long-distance drones to monitor its rail network in the future. Deutsche Bahn already uses drones to assess the condition of the tracks or to check the vegetation along the tracks. According to the company, the new drones have a significantly greater range of around 150 kilometers and can also […]

Russian Colonel Behind Kamikaze Drone Program Assassinated near Moscow

Russian Colonel Aleksy Kolomeytsev involved in training specialist for the Kremlin’s Shahed drone program has died in a targeted assassination near Moscow. On the night of September 27, in the Moscow Region, Russian Armed Forces Colonel Aleksy Volodymyrovich Kolomeytsev, head of the 924 State Center for Unmanned Aviation of the Ministry of Defense of the […]

Hawaii Deploys Drones to Kill Hated Coqui Frog

Wildlife officials in Hawaii are using aerial drones to wage chemical warfare on coqui frogs by dumping citric acid on these invasive creatures, thereby killing them — along with any tadpoles and eggs. The officials are using drones to eradicate the frogs because they recently found a population of the amphibians in a mountainous strip […]