Schiebel CAMCOPTER S-100 Supports European Coastguard Functions in France and Belgium

New System Offers Autonomous Drone Deployment for Critical Operations Skydio has announced the release of Dock for X10, a new system designed to make autonomous drone operations more accessible and scalable. This technology builds on the company’s long-standing commitment to autonomy, enabling drones to operate without the constant attention of a skilled pilot. According to […]
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UAVOS Engineers Support Mira HAPS in Breakthrough Earth Observation Payload Deployment Across the UAE at 15,000m Altitude California-based developer UAVOS Inc., a joint venture with Emirati company Bayanat AI, recently announced that they provided support to Mira Aerospace in a successful series of high altitude platform station (HAPS) flights across the UAE. UAVOS engineers helped […]
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Unlocking the Power of Pixels: Efficient 3D Data Creation with Global Mapper Pro’s Pixels to Points Tool Sponsored Content. The all-in-one geospatial software, Global Mapper Pro®, really does it all! From raster data viewing and editing to vector feature creation, Global Mapper Pro goes further to include tools for point cloud analysis and classification. The […]
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New Payload Slashes Time and Boosts Efficiency for Complex Survey Projects by DRONELIFE Staff Writer Ian J. McNabb At InterGeo this week, Switzerland-based drone manufacturer Wingtra recently announced their new MAP61 mapping payload, which they describe as “the most efficient mapping sensor on the market”. Able to capture up to 1,140 acres in a single […]
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