GA-ASI and USMC Complete First MQ-9A WTI Training Class
Anduril’s AI-Guided Jet C-UAS UAV | Launch, Loiter, Return to Base
Drone Flew Dangerously Close to F-35 During Adelaide 500 Air Show
High Lander’s Vega UTM: Pioneering Mandatory Drone Flight Management in Israel
Israel Mandates Continuous Broadcast of Operational Data: High Lander Receives First License from Civil Aviation Authority by DRONELIFE Staff Writer Ian J. McNabb Tel-Aviv based High Lander, a major UTM systems provider, recently received the first license from the Israeli Civil Aviation Authority (CAAI) to authorize drone flights using its Vega UTM system. This follows […]
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AI-Powered Obstacle Detection for Tethered Drones: KEF Robotics Revolutionizes Military Surveillance
KEF Robotics uses digital twins to devise system to guide tethered drones By DRONELIFE Features Editor Jim Magill Drones tethered to mobile vehicles can provide a huge benefit to military forces, by being able to provide warfighters with visual and other kinds of data from a bird’s-eye perspective, in a variety of environments and situations. […]
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