A drone delivering frozen chicken crashed into a residential society in Gurugram near New Delhi in India on Thursday, police said. They added that an FIR was registered against the company operating the drone for breaching CrPC Section 144, which was enforced in the city. The drone, operated by Skye Air, crashed into the G […]
Accident Reporting
USAF MQ-9 Downed in Iraq by Iranian-Provided Missile
An American MQ-9 Reaper drone crashed in northern Iraq on Jan. 18, as the U.S. continues to fend off attacks from Iran-backed militias, U.S. officials told Air & Space Forces Magazine. The U.S. Air Force MQ-9 was likely downed by an Iranian-provided surface-to-air missile fired by an Iranian-affiliated Iraqi group, U.S. officials said. The MQ-9 was supporting […]
New Jet-Powered Shahed Drone Downed in Ukraine
A new jet-powered Shahed kamikaze drone has reportedly been shot down in Ukraine, though the country’s air force has said it could not currently confirm the incident. Serhiy Beskrestnov, a Ukrainian soldier specializing in radio technologies and operating under the callsign “Flash,” reported the discovery on his Telegram channel on Monday. “I did not think that they would appear […]
Drone Collides with Helicopter Over Daytona Beach
A helicopter was damaged after a collision with a drone on Saturday, the Volusia Sheriff’s Office revealed in a subsequent statement. No one was hurt, but the damages to the helicopter blades will be costly. According to the VSO’s report on the incident, Leading Edge Helicopter tours had a helicopter flying in the area of […]