General Atomics Gets $53M US Army Gray Eagle Logistics Contract

General Atomics Aeronautical Systems Inc., Poway, California, was awarded a $52,918,826 hybrid (cost-plus-fixed-fee and cost-plus-incentive-fee) contract for Gray Eagle fleet sustainment and logistics support. Bids were solicited via the internet with one received. Work will be performed in Poway, California, with an estimated completion date of April 23, 2029. Fiscal 2024 operation and maintenance, Army […]

Ukrainian Nynja Sport Plane Becomes Another Long-Range Strike Drone

Ukraine has transformed another sport plane into another long-range strike drone. One of them crashed inside Russia reportedly more than 600 miles from the Russia-Ukraine border, at least matching the depth of the first strike by an explosives-laden pilotless Ukrainian sport plane. A photo circulated online by Russian propagandist Kirill Fedorov this week depicts the […]