Drone Fails Challenge offers laughs — and potentially free drone classes

We all love the beautiful aerial footage shots captured on drones, but we know a lot of blood, sweat, and tears go into getting the perfect shot. The behind-the-scenes often stays just that, behind the scenes. 

But now it’s time to embrace the wobbles, spins, and uh-ohs because every epic fail is a chance to win flight lessons in disguise. That’s because the team over at drone training website UAV Coach recently announced their Drone Fails Challenge.

As a relatively new drone pilot, I have already had my fair share of epic drone failur (stay tuned for one below), so I am excited for the chance to feel a little less alone in my drone failures and laugh along with The Drone Girl community. 

As a part of the Drone Fails Challenge, UAV Coach invites you to submit your most epic drone fail to be featured on their social media and have a chance to win free access to their online skill builder course. 

Why should we participate? 

Because it’s not only fun to laugh at ourselves, but a chance to learn from them too! By analyzing your crashes and learning from them, you can sharpen your skills.  

Plus, the Drone Fails Challenge is about coming together as a community of drone enthusiasts. We love our community here at Drone Girl. This is a chance to share your crashes, laugh at the moments that went awry, and support fellow pilots on their journey. (If you post your drone fail to social media, tag @thedronegirl too so we can see and repost!)

But most importantly, with each drone fail submission you get a chance to win FREE access to the Drone Pilot Skill Builder course– a $119 value! 

Every month, UAV Coach will award three fails FREE access to their online skill builder course (because we all could use some extra practice). They are opening up voting at the beginning of each month so you can help choose the winners. 

And stay tuned, because UAV says there will also be chances to win other prizes as part of their annual contest. 

Drone Pilot Ground School TheDroneGirl

A look into the Drone Pilot Skill Builder course 

Drone Pilot Skill Builder is an online course created by the same folks who run the Drone Pilot Ground School, which also offers a Part 107 test prep course. That course happens to come recommended as my top Part 107 online test prep course (not to mention it’s one of the biggest).

Alas, the Drone Fails Challenge contest does not include a chance to win the Drone Pilot Ground School Part 107 online test prep course, but they do frequently offer scholarships 

The Drone Pilot Skill Builder (what you can win in the contest) is an online self-paced course that covers a range of topics for beginner drone pilots such as:

  • Where you can fly legally 
  • How to do airspace research + plan flights like a pro
  • Flight exercises that hone your drone piloting skills 
  • Techniques to capture breathtaking drone footage
  • Intelligent flight modes to get the most out of your drone 
  • Troubleshooting & emergency procedures for any situation 

The Drone Pilot Skill Builder course usually costs $119 but is on sale now through Oct. 31st for $99, but you’ll get the chance to get the entire course for free simply by submitting your epic drone fail.

Read more about the Drone Pilot Skill Builder Course here.

Drone Launch Academy pay retake fail part 107

Drone Fails Challenge video submission guidelines 

Convinced? Ready to submit? Before you do, make sure your video follows the guidelines: 

  • Vertical or horizontal format 
  • Text on video is okay but not preferred 
  • Up to 2GB in size 
  • Max 1 min long 

UAV Coach is looking for a video of a drone crashing or generally acting strange. Perhaps the drone was in follow-me mode and crashed into a tree. Maybe those sneaky phone lines got you and your drone again, they want to see it. Perhaps, you captured from another device a drone failing or falling that would also be a great submission. The more epic fail the better. 

Really any drone failure goes and since drone fans will be voting, the more epic and funnier the better. 

Submit your drone fail here, for the chance to win. And if you post to social media don’t forget to  @thedronegirl, as we’d love to see your drone fail!

My submission to the Drone Fails Challenge

And without further ado, my epic drone fail. I thought my HoverAir X1 was going to land safely in the palm of my hand, but my drone had other plans. The HoverAir X1 landed right into a tree! 
It was made even more embarrassing because I was with a friend who was taking photos of me for my review of the HoverAir X1, who you can see in the background. It was a massive failure. Feel free to laugh.

The post Drone Fails Challenge offers laughs — and potentially free drone classes appeared first on The Drone Girl.

the convent of the Poor Clares in Stary Sącz, Poland – Drone Photography

the convent of the Poor Clares in Stary Sącz located at pl. Saint Kingi 1, in the Tarnów diocese. In 2018, included (together with the Old Town complex) on the list of historical monuments as part of the “100 Monuments of History for the Centenary of Regaining Independence” campaign.


The post the convent of the Poor Clares in Stary Sącz, Poland – Drone Photography appeared first on DRONESTAG.

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