Comment on Elk Grove Police Receive First FAA Waiver for Citywide 400-Foot Drone as First Responder Operations by Iamuprise

This is too much. How much power/freedoms are we to give up. Using a drone to find or get a better viewpoint of a situation is one thing. But allowing law and police these abilities is problematic. If the general public is allowed the same use of this technology then that’s fair. Personally I have regrets to allowing someone to fly without keeping an eye on it at all times. What happens if there’s an accident? Do they get fined or does the pilot get jail time? I can see in the future drones being flown overhead issuing tickets or worse. Some level of control on what they can actually do needs to be in place before we allow police to fly in such a way. This is a case of technology moving to fast vs. society’s way of life.