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Video of a Site monitoring – Aix-en-Provence Fire and Rescue Centre, by Drone-Pictures

Video shot in May 2024 for the Bouches-du-Rhône department, using only a drone, with an Insta360 camera installed underneath for some flights. Film shot during work on the future Aix – La Torse Fire and Rescue Centre, for the Department 13 Fire Brigade. The aim was to show the progress of the works.

Equipment used: Only the Mavic 3 Pro was used for the occasion, mainly the 24 and 70mm lenses. The 360 camera was used for the intro and end shots of the clip (Little Planet effect).


Vidéo réalisée en mai 2024, uniquement par drone avec pour certains vols une caméra Insta360 installée dessous. Film tourné pendant les travaux du futur Centre d’Incendie et de Secours d’Aix – La Torse, pour les Pompiers du département 13.
II s’agissait de montrer l’état d’avancement du chantier.
Seul le Mavic 3 Pro a été utilisé pour l’occasion, principalement les focales 24 et 70mm. La caméra 360 a servi pour les plans d’intro et de fin du clip (effet Little Planète)
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Worlds Biggest RC C-17 Globemaster Maiden Flight

Ramy’s massive C-17 will be flying a the 8th International Airliner Meeting which takes place on July 12 -14 at the Oppingen Glider Airfield in Germany, not far from the famous Neuschwanstein Castle. Flight testing begins on Friday 7th – camping is possible at the airfield and there are plenty of hotels nearby. Sources: YouTube; […]

Photos of the arrival of the Olympic Flame in Marseille, by Drone-Pictures!

From 5 to 10 May 2024, the Drone-Pictures team in Marseille filmed and photographed the city on a daily basis!
With cameras in hand, and sometimes drones in the air, we wanted to give a pictorial account of the arrival of the Olympic Flame in Marseille in this diary published on our Blog.
With the exception of 7 May, and given that drone flights were banned in Marseille during these festivities, all our images of 8 & 9 May 2024 were taken on the ground and perfectly at sea from a boat during the grand parade accompanying the arrival of the Belem!
Finally, at the very end of this diary we’ve put together 5 drone videos 100% dedicated to our Sublime Marseille! So sublime that we’ve turned them into a series to follow on this page and a page on Facebook. Three episodes have already been produced, with a 4th on the way – even more beautiful!

Du 5 au 10 mai 2024, l’équipe de Drone-Pictures à Marseille a filmé et photographié quotidiennement la ville !

Caméras au poing, et parfois drone en l’air, nous avons voulu rendre compte en images de l’arrivée de la Flamme Olympique à Marseille dans ce journal publié sur notre Blog.

Attention, hormis le 7 mai, et vu que les vols drones étaient interdits sur Marseille durant ces festivités, en conséquences toutes nos images des 8 & 9 mai 2024 ont été réalisé au sol et parfais en mer depuis un bateau lors de la grande parade accompagnant l’arrivée du Belem !

Enfin, tout à la fin de ce journal nous avons regroupé les 5 vidéos par drone 100% consacrées à notre Sublime Marseille ! Si sublime que nous en avons fait une série à suivre sur cette page et une page sur Facebook. Déjà trois épisodes produits, avec un 4ème en préparation – encore plus beau !


The post Photos of the arrival of the Olympic Flame in Marseille, by Drone-Pictures! appeared first on DRONESTAG.

Why Aren’t Swing Wing Aircraft Made Any More?

From the mid-60s up to 1981, swing-wing aircraft led the way for new multirole aircraft that combined the low-speed stability and efficiency of a straight wing with the high-speed performance of a swept wing and led to some of the most famous fighters and bombers of the 70s, 80s, and 90s. But from 1981 onwards […]

Clearing Snow with a Drone

Clearing snow off overhead power lines can be time-consuming and difficult. That’s when you bring in a drone like the FlyCart 30. Add a dangling non-conductive stick and you have a snow-clearing system. Source: Interesting Engineering/YouTube  

B-1 Lancer – The Most Powerful Bomber Ever Built

The B-1 Lancer is not just any bomber. It is the most powerful bomber ever built. Featuring four rocket ship-like afterburner engines and supersonic speeds, get ready to learn about this remarkable aircraft. The Rockwell B-1 Lancer is a supersonic variable-sweep wing, heavy bomber used by the United States Air Force. It has been nicknamed […]